Welcome to PostLife

The place where Life continues

What is PostLife

Life does not stop here!

Digital technology is becoming increasingly pervasive. Our lives, as well as the things we create, are becoming more digital. From documents and photographs to videos and audio, all in digital format, these are the works you've imagined and created. If you're like us, you want to leave behind all the important data you've generated during your lifetime for your posterity or friends. PostLife aims to be the first app dedicated to managing your Digital Legacy. In the not-so-distant future, we dream of creating an AI entity that embodies your personality and knowledge, allowing future generations to interact with you even after you've left the physical world. Join us in making this dream a reality!

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The first app that will take care of your after life

Send a message when you are no longer on this planet

Send a message to every person you want to give a farewell

  • Choose when the message must be delivered.
  • Send a personalized message for each person.
  • Share important information that you cannot yet disclose.

Use the time capsule

  • Upload important data in a time capsule that can be opened by everyone, or just by the persons you have selected.


All you need to prepare your will

  • Precise instruction on how to write your Will.
  • Will notarization on blockchain.
  • Will custody.


This is our plan to conquer digital immortality

We took inpiration from Dante's Comedy to name the versions of PostLife with incremental improvements, here they are.


Dante (2025)

Basic functionality to start our jouney in the after world.


Virgilio (2025Q4)

More functionality for paying users.


Beatrice (2026 Q2)

Premium functionality for paying users.


Maria (2028)

Subject to successfull founding round B. AI generated avatar with your personality.


Free Plan

The free option to start with PostLife

  • 1 Message after your departure
  • Public Time Capsule (10 MB)
  • Open public and inherited Time Capsules
  • Open your time capsule after receiving certificate of death
  • Time Capsule (100 MB)
  • Private Time Capsule
  • Discount on Digital Will
  • No Ads

Pro Plan

Enjoy everything that we offer

  • 50 Messages after your departure
  • Public or private Time Capsule (1 GB)
  • Open public and inherited Time Capsules
  • Open your time capsule after receiving certificate of death
  • Private Time Capsule
  • Last will
  • 50% Discount on Digital Will
  • No Ads

Frequently Asked Questions

Will my data last forever?

While with our business model we aim to create a self sustaining company that can last forever, we can ensure that your data will persist until the company is alive.

Can I trust you that my data will be private?

The data that you choose to remain private, or accessible only to certain people, will remain so. We plan to have a security review by a professional firm to ensure that the data in our custody cannot be accessed by anyone but the ones you have selected.

Will my time capsule last forever?

Your time capsule will last as long as our company will last. It's in our best interest to keep this company live and running for an indefinite amount of time.

How do you know that I'm dead?

We know it if one of your heirs sends us a death certificate, or if you don't log in PostLife for a certain amount of time decided by you (1 week, 3 months, other). After this period we will send you an email each day for 7 days, and if you don't log in we will consider you dead. For paying users we will contact them also by sms.

Is it true that you want to create an AI Avatar for the users that want it?

Yes, our current ultimate goal is to generate an AI Avatar for the user that desire it. You will be able to choose if the avatar will be public or private (accessible only to the people that you have selected)


Our team works from home, in a digital world we don't have to pay for a physical office. We are mainly located in Milan (Italy) and Saragozza (Spain)


Milan (Italy)

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